Thursday, September 10, 2009

Skunks and more skunks....

Sunday it was the big family of 4 heading up the hill towards the house. They were so darn cute.... however, it was broad daylight, and they were making good progress. Last fall we had a stubborn skunk come to live in the woodshed that is attached to the house, and it was 2 solid months before we could be sure he had either died or left for quieter surroundings! We don't want any more living in there! So, unfortunately, they were "chased" away. The next day, one skunk was much, much closer to the house before we noticed it. The dogs of course had noticed it at 100 yards. Luckily, we got him, before he got us..... the next day, another one in the apple orchards, then another and another. I don't feel safe anymore walking back there alone.
My question is: why are they coming out during the day? I mean, skunks are supposed to be nocturnal right? We don't have food at all outside for the dogs, I make sure I bring their bones in at night. I know there's grubs in the rose bed, but geesh! I know it's the time of year for critters to find their winter homes, but they are not going to live in any part of my house!
The view again was gorgeous tonight- pink cotton candy sunset that just went on and on! I love God's artwork!


electricdunce said...

We have had a real explosion of skunks here this summer, and I have seen families crossing the road in the daytime, which seems peculiar to me also. When we had a skunk move under the porch we threw a few mothballs in there and he decided to move away. The babies always look like little bedroom slippers scooting across the road....


countrynmore said...

We would get skunks, but only in the the late evening on, but never during the daytime. Our dog is curious and will go after any animal. Last year, we had skunks that dug under the fence and came in to our yard from our neighbor's yard. I think that they were living in her back yard. Anyways, our dog Max sent after the mother one night and a few nights later bit the baby skunk. Both times, he got sprayed. It stunk our up our home for about a week and we could smell the odor on our dog even after the special baths.